Wednesday, October 12, 2011



Case Study # 1
Mrs. Jane Smith is a 45 year old wife and mother of 3 children. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer six months ago. She was told she had stage 4 ovarian cancer. She had a total abdominal hysterectomy and the ovaries and fallopian tubes were removed. She has received six rounds of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy was given intravenously for 3 weeks and stopped for 3 weeks the resumed for the weeks, etc. She was then given four weeks of radiation therapy. She is experiencing mild acne all over her body and she has some superficial burns on her abdomen. What would you do to treat the acne and relieve the burning sensation on her abdomen?

Case Study # 2
Mr. Ronald Brown is a 70 year old man and is very active. He plays golf at least 3 times a week. Mr. Brown was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years ago. He had radioactive seeds place in his prostate and a radical prostatectomy. He is experiencing extremely sensitive skin and excessive skin dryness. He does not take any medications or vitamins and he does not drink much water. His skin is flakey and itching. How should Mr. Smith treat his skin? What should Mr. Smith use both topically and internally to help with his problem?

Case study #3
Miss Prunella Fogwart is a 28 year old woman that was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 weeks ago. She is schedule to have a lumpectomy next week. Ms. Fogwart’s oncologist has recommended that she receive 4 months of chemotherapy. She is worried about hair loss, acne and oily skin. She was prone to acne as an adolescent. She is also concerned about hyper- pigmentation. What would you recommend that Ms. Fogwart do prior to her treatment and after her treatment begins to take care of these concerns? The hyperpigmentation is going to happen.

Case Study #4
Mrs. Betty Lou Alexander is a 53 year old woman that was diagnosis with lung cancer 8 years ago. She had both chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She is in remission and is doing well. She has recently notice a “burn” mark on the side of her rib area. Her physician told her this was “radiation recall”. The area is painful and very sensitive. Her physician has given her pain medications and told her that she should see a dermatologist. Mrs. Alexander has been your client for several years for facials and other skin treatments. What would you recommend that Mrs. Alexander use topically to relieve her symptoms until she can see the dermatologist?


  1. Case Study #1
    Cleanser: Ultra-Calming Cleanser
    Masque:Colloidal Masque
    Moisturizer:Barrier Repair
    Home Care: Recommend for her to go to her physician regarding both the acne and burns. We do not treat either. Also, could use Aloe on the burns until she can get to the doctor.
    Contraindication: Do not use soy.

    Case Study #2
    Cleanser: Ultra-Calming
    Masque: Colloidal
    Moisturizer: Barrier Repair
    Home Care: Ensure that he knows to wear at least an SPF 30 or higher. Cannot tell him to do this because we aren't doctors, but he needs to drink more water and take vitamins. For his itching, he could use coconut milk.
    Contraindication: No soy.

    Case Study #3
    Cleanser: Ultra-Calming
    Masque: Colloidal
    Moisturizer: Barrier Repair
    Home Care: She can use Grape Seed Oil (added to the moisturizer) before and after treatment. This would help with the oily skin and possibly the acne. Hair loss and hyperpigmentation cannot be controlled. Tea Tree Oil can be used on a dry scalp, though.
    Contraindication: No exfoliation.

    Case Study #4
    Cleanser: Ultra-Calming
    Masque: Colloidal
    Moisturizer: Barrier Repair
    Home Care: Use an SPF of 30 or higher, protective clothing if out in the sun. Drink water. Use Aloe on the effected area. Ingredients that can also be used are soy, mulberry root, licorice extract, black seed oil and green tea.
    Contraindications: Stay out of the sun and tanning beds are a big NO NO!

    Jessica Taglieber

  2. Laquanna Owens Perry

    Case Study #1

    Cleanser: Ultra Calming
    Masque: Colloidal
    Moisturizer: Barrier Repair
    Home Care: # Use gentle creams or lotions to moisturize your skin (creams often work better than lotions.)(Consult with physician first!!!) Avoid products that contain alcohol and choose unscented varieties when possible. Apply these after showering or bathing, before your skin has dried completely. For very dry skin and lips, ointments can be soothing in addition to moisturizing.
    # Bathe with warm water (not too hot or too cold.) Keep baths short, and pat yourself dry with a towel rather than rubbing your skin.
    # If your skin is very dry, an oatmeal bath may be soothing.
    # Use a gentle soap or plain water for washing.
    Contraindication: Stay out of direct sunlight

    Case Study #2

    Cleanser: Ultra Calming
    Masque: Colloidal
    Moisturizer: Intensive Moisture balance
    Home Care: I can only SUGGEST that he stay out of the sun as much a possible. Suggest that he drank at lease 8 cups a day. He also needs to use an SPF 30. For his itching I would suggest he takes an oatmeal bath (not in hot water)(lukewarm)
    Contraindication: Soy

    Case Study #3

    Cleanser: Special cleansing gel
    Masque: Skin Refining
    Moisturizer: Active Moist
    Home Care: Grape Seed oil along with the Active moist. As far as her hair loss goes she could use Shine therapy shampoo it would prevent hair loss but she still needs to take care of her scalp. Hyper pigmentation is inevitable.
    Contraindication: Microdermabrasion

    Case Study #4

    Cleanser:Special cleansing gel
    Masque:Skin hydrating
    Moisturizer: Barrier Repair
    Home Care: Avoid extremes in temperature from hot water bottles or ice packs.Avoid direct sunlight to the field of treatment.* Wash areas of irritation with water and cotton balls, NO SOAP or very MILD SOAP. It's a good idea to stay away from creams, powders and lotions unless your doctor recommends them.
    Contraindication: Any type of exfoliation

  3. I meant to say it would not prevent hair loss on Case study #3 Sorry lol
